Monday, 27 August 2012

Open Letter to Arvind Kejriwal

P:S: This open letter has been CC-ed to Dr Kiran Bedi, Dr Kumar Viswas.

Dear Arvind,

Let us first congratulate you on your relentless fight against corruption. Every IITKGPian feel proud that we have someone fighting this menace from our own alumni. But today we have also come over to you to show you few very interesting incidents being happening here at IITKGP, your own institute and the role one of your own team fellows is playing in all this.

Dear Arvind, your whole team is supposed to be fighting a battle to end corruption but how about one of your own team members supporting a person who don’t seem to be very clean. As far as we have been informed, you too know this person but definitely we give you a benefit of doubt as this came from the same guy Rajeev Kumar. He is currently under suspension from IITKGP, for falsely maligning the institute. Your own team member Mr Prashant Bhushan is his lawyer and fact being Mr Bhushan seems to be supporting him even after knowing all the true facts. Let me now show you some of his deeds.

  1. This person calls every other person a fraud. Let us now show you what greater fraud he did with regards to research papers. Unethical Acts and Academic Frauds of Credit grabbing in research papers as corresponding author by Rajeev Kumar. No one else (including other co-authors) knew the authors list that was finally submitted and how it was done. Information for the same is now obtained by students after corresponding with the journal editorial office to highlight the fraud committed.

The original paper was submitted as follows:

Code Compression for Performance Enhancement of Variable
Length Embedded Processors
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

After revision the paper was resubmitted as follows.

Code Compression for Performance Enhancement of Variable Length Embedded Processors
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

The paper has since been published in ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems with only two authors. Rajeev Kumar simply removed names of two students and one colleague without even informing them. And this fellow talks big of others ‘grabbing his IPR’. Other authors were not even told that a review report came. Complete credit and IPR was grabbed for this work depriving others. The other student author, being a PhD candidate had apparently no say and was given the impression that everything was taken care of which he realized later was wrong.

  1. Coming to the next, do check this article Arvind. (Link). This do looks like a scam. But now check out with this (link). The whole clarification on the same has been given here. If you feel like looking into the original copies of the same documents as mentioned in the blog, you can be easily provided as they were all circulated among the faculty. What is more interesting is the charge he gave on his own blog Eklavya recently. Let me copy paste the same for you.

    IIT Deputy Director, Prof. A.K. Mazumdar, Chairman Purchase Comm., in Laptop Scam, ignored hugely cheaper laptop (Rs 69 K) which matches best with the specifications. Instead, IIT approved laptop at exorbitant rates (Rs 107 K) of the same make, when laptop’s demand was in hundreds. Other members included CSE professors (Prof. I. Sengupta and Prof. R. Mall), Dean Alumni (Prof. A. Patra), Head CIC (Prof. P.K. Biswas and Dr D.K. Nanda) and Prof. C.S. Kumar. Prof. Mazumdar siphoned millions for his spouse from his/his protégé (CSE Prof. Jayanta Mukhopadyay)’s project funds.”

This he posted just about a week back. He goes to the media charging Dean SRIC on this same laptop issue but now suddenly the concerned Dean’s name is completely missing from his recent blog post (screen shot of the whole blog post has been kept). Not only that, in this article of HT when lot many went ahead to post the true facts, the reporter with Rajeev Kumar (who posted here as Eklavya) deleted each and every comment. The screen shots of all they did internally (shows clearly how guilty they really were) have been posted here. (Link)

His links with few reporters and how they together get into the act of putting out false news is now nothing new. Reporter Akshaya Mukul of TOI has always come up with juicy anti-IITKGP news after getting feedbacks from this suspended prof. The reporter has even gone on to plead for this prof and how he is being victimized in his articles. You simply need to make a search and Akshaya’s way of working would be clear. Interestingly this reporter has been shown all these proofs yet he decided to keep mum on the true facts about Rajeev Kumar. Let me show you one of his recent articles. We are aware of the fact that even here Rajeev Kumar is involved.

  1. Check out this article. (Link). The article would give you a complete picture of the new issue that has been taken up by Rajeev Kumar in collaboration with few unethical journalists. It is a complete different matter as to how official information from the MHRD got leaked to the press; let us keep that on side as of now. That’s something I am sure the concerned person would need to reply to at some later date. But matters don’t stop here. What came as shock for all was the fact that all the comments from the article were deleted by TOI. Check this link to see the comments and then decide if they really deserved the hack? (Link). Isn’t this a clear indication of them being guilty!

Dear Arvind, these are just 3 cases we showed you. There’s many more but we feel they are enough for now to show the true face of Rajeev Kumar. And this very man is supported by none other than your partner in crusade against corruption – Mr Prashant Bhushan. On one hand you all fight against politicians and bureaucrats to end corruption, and here’s a corrupt person who one of your very team leader is supporting! You shout and tell the nation about the force being used by govt against your agitation so that your mouths are shut. And here’s Rajeev Kumar hand in glove with the reporters doing the same for all IITKGPian voices because they were speaking out the truth.

Take your time to go through the links and truth would be before your eyes. We are quite amazed with the fact that even after knowing them all how can Mr Bhushan support this person (currently we have decided to believe that you are unaware of all this). And a request, please do not come up with the plea that your friend Bhushan had no knowledge. You and your team, who have shown the path to all Indians for RTI, who have used this particular act to maximum use, you all could have easily obtained the documents. And also don’t insult our agitation by calling it a ‘conspiracy’ against your team. We are simply IITKGPian, who love our institute and its professors. We have no allegiance to anything that’s in any way connected to ‘politics’. We are finding it quite amusing that one person who is in the forefront of anti corruption crusade is supporting an unscrupulous person.

Hope to hear from you soon. This is an open letter, to be posted on this blog. (Link) And the letter also goes to few others in your team so that they too are aware of true facts.

Affected IITKGPian
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